Therapy to address burnout, anxiety and trauma.
Walk The Path To A Better You
Sometimes we could all use some perspective on our lives. One of the things that makes our personalities so complex is that they're both static and dynamic at the same time. While we do have some traits that stay relatively the same throughout our lives, we are also constantly changing in the other dimensions of our personality; through our beliefs, our values, and the narrative we have about ourselves and our life. That is precisely what psychotherapy is all about, exploring the facets of your personality and helping you towards being someone you're proud of, while learning to practice compassion towards yourself and others.
Some things never make sense, but healing is possible.
Your wounds are not your fault.
Your healing is your responsibility.
You do not have to heal in isolation.
If you’ve experienced anything you define as trauma and want another human to sit with you and listen to your story, the new thoughts or behaviors you now have, or the things you miss about yourself or your life from before, I’m here.